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♻️ Recycling Baling Twine

Baling Twine

Community Twine Recycling (CTR) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing education and specialized assistance to establish twine recycling programs across the nation. With support from local landfills, county governments, industry, local businesses, and national organizations we are seeking to make twine recycling available in all states.

🚛 We can help you to organize the collection, storage, and transportation of discarded twine so that it can be recycled into useful products.

👍 Get started creating a recycling program in your area.

🎁 Thank you for your kindness and generosity in support of our work.

Why Recycle?

Save on Landfill Fees

Much of the twine that is discarded after the use of hay bales ends up in a landfill. In some areas it accumulates on rural property or is burned. Landowners can save the money spent on roll-off fees or basic trash service by bringing this used twine to a local recycling program.

Support Local Youth Groups

Our twine recycling programs currently pay youth groups $0.10 per pound for collected twine. These programs provide youth with a fundraising activity, a community service project, and a valuable hands-on education in the uses and the effects of agricultural plastics. Twine recycling can be a real benefit to your community as youth build working relationships while cleaning up the environment.

The Impact on Animals

Wildlife and livestock can ingest baling twine and become seriously ill or die. Twine poses an especially deadly strangling hazard to birds. Researchers have reported that baling twine is responsible for entangling and killing around ten percent of osprey chicks annually in some states.

An osprey entagled in baling twine and dangling from its nest.
A close-up of the osprey entagled in baling twine.

Osprey photos: Copyright © Idaho Department of Fish and Game