About Us
Community Twine Recycling Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization. Our federal EIN is 88-3114030. All donations are tax deductible.
We Do Not …
- Recycle net wrap, feed bags, or other agricultural plastics at this time.
- Recycle sisal or jute twine because these are naturally biodegradable.
- Sell twine to overseas buyers. Our mission is conservation and overseas transport creates a large carbon footprint.
- Reprocess the baling twine ourselves, but we do partner with reprocessors and recyclers in the US.
What happens to the twine that is collected?
The collected polypropylene (PP) plastic baling twine is reprocessed into pellets at a facility in Arizona. These pellets can be used to manufacture a variety of recycled plastic products.
Our History
Our program started in 2013 when a Colorado landowner asked her Natural Resource Conservation Service Specialist if the pile of discarded baling twine on her property could be recycled. That Specialist passed the request on to the local Conservation District field technician who then researched twine production companies and the twine recycling at the time.
The program expanded across several counties in Colorado through the generous support of grants from the Colorado State Conservation Board, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and local contributions.
Our Mission
- To support local groups, municipalities and counties across the United States to organize sustainable collection, storage, and recycling of discarded twine.
- To facilitate the establishment of cooperative community networks that divert as much twine as possible from landfills.
- To encourage the hands-on education and involvement of youth groups as they collect discarded twine in local areas.
- To protect wildlife by collecting twine in an effort to reduce habitat contamination.
- To preserve and efficiently use existing resources by reducing the need for additional raw materials.
- To create awareness of alternatives for plastic baling twine disposal that do not contaminate the land or air.