Start Recycling Baling Twine: First Steps
Collecting Twine
A collection site can be set up at a farm supply store, hardware store, vet supply or on your own property. A large amount of twine needs to be collected before it is economical for us to schedule a truck to pick up your twine and take it to a recycling facility. Often local youth groups like FFA and 4-H can be involved. We can help with signage ideas, containers, and community involvement.

The loose twine can be simply piled up outside if you have the space available.

Or it can be collected in a bin or storage sack. The Super Sack® containers or bean totes can sometimes be acquired from local producers who receive seed or feed in them.

The sacks can also be positioned inside an empty wire tote (often used for farm chemical containers).

Breweries can be a source for free sacks because they often receive their grain in them. A Super Sack® container can hold up to about 300 pounds of twine.
If you have pallets handy, you may want to put the storage sacks on palettes for loading.

The Super Sacks® can be cut open at the top for a large opening. This will make storage much easier than struggling with the small opening provided.
The sacks can also be tied closed on the bottom to hold the twine, otherwise the twine will fall out if the full bag is lifted by equipment for loading.
You may want to advertise with handouts at local farmers’ markets or hobby livestock groups. Veterinarians may be happy to display the handouts. The local newspaper may offer a free announcement as a community service.
You are welcome to use our templates for outdoor banners:
- Twine Recycling Banner
- Bilingual Twine Recycling Banner (English on top)
- Bilingual Twine Recycling Banner (Spanish on top)
City and county websites and local county Extension offices may also be willing to post information about your service.